Ex investor relations R. STAHL

Investor Relations

Welcome to the Investor Relations pages of R. STAHL. Investors will find here capital markets related information about our company.


Sales 2022:

€274.3 million


EBITDA pre exceptionals*:

€22.3 million

Equity Ratio

Equity ratio
(as of Dec. 31, 2022):

27.5 %

Ex stock shares R. STAHL

R. STAHL Shares

Performance, analyses and information

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Ex corporate governance statement R. STAHL

Corporate Governance

All about corporate governance at R. STAHL

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Investor Contact

Any question? We would be happy to assist you.

Ex Judith Schäuble Investorenkontakt R. STAHL

Judith Schäuble

Director Investor Relations & Corporate Communications
+49 7942 943-1396
+49 7942 943-401395
Contact form
Ex annual general meeting R. STAHL

Annual General Meeting

Dates, information, annual reports

All about the AGM

*) exceptionals: restructuring charges, non-scheduled depreciation and amortization, charges for design and implementation of IT-projects, M&A costs as well as profit and loss from the disposal of assets no longer required for business operations