Ex corporate governance practices R. STAHL

Corporate Governance Practices

Information on significant corporate governance practices

The company implements all corporate governance practices required by law. In addition, special reference is to be made to the Code of Conduct in the current version from 2016, which - as our self-perception - states the basic requirements for conduct, dealing with business partners and third parties, avoiding conflicts of interest, dealing with company facilities, dealing with information, environment, safety and health as well as complaints and notices (available here). This Code of Conduct applies throughout the Group, and its contents have been and are being trained worldwide. The last time all employees in the Group were committed to complying with the Code was in 2021 through an e-learning tool. For the entire workforce, the next repeat commitment to the Code of Conduct will take place in 2022 via the e-learning tool "Cornerstone".

In addition, all managers and all other relevant employees in the Group are trained once a year using an e-learning tool and are obliged to neither participate in nor tolerate acts of corruption. Furthermore, this training is connected with an obligation to act in accordance with the rules of competition law. 

Lastly, there are numerous standards, pertaining to Finance and IT in particular, that regulate organisational procedures within the Group.

Earlier information about "Corporate Governance Practices"