Ex diversity concept R. STAHL

Diversity Concept

Diversity Concept

The Supervisory Board does not pursue an (abstract) diversity concept with regard to the composition of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board. The Declaration of Compliance of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board states with regard to Code recommendation C 1 sentences 1 and 2 that the Supervisory Board, in addition to other objectives, also considers the objective of diversity important in itself and also takes this into account in concrete appointment decisions. However, the Supervisory Board does not consider it expedient and effective to set abstract objectives for its composition and an abstract competence profile for a controlling body of a company of the size of the technology-oriented R. STAHL AG from the outset. This also applies to diversity. Here, when preparing proposals to the Annual General Meeting, the competence and the concrete need in the respective staffing situation must be decisive. In the opinion of the Supervisory Board, the same applies to the composition of the Executive Board. 

Earlier information about "Diversity Concept"