Secure Thin Client firmware on the basis of Windows 10 IoT

By equipping its Thin Clients with the latest firmware, R.STAHL makes them ideally suited for secure remote operation in virtualised server structures and in cloud automation

Ex firmware dashboard R. STAHL

From today, R.STAHL will be fitting their Thin Clients for zone 1, zone 2 and safe areas with their new, proprietary, industrial-grade v5 firmware. It is based on Windows 10 IoT Enterprise as the operating system and, as a closed system, ensures extremely tough protection against unauthorised access. In addition to its high degree of security, the firmware is very user-friendly and features comprehensive supportof modern automation data communication within the framework of the Industrial Internet of Things.

Thin Clients with the v5 firmware from R. STAHL have been designed to meet a great variety of requirements in process visualisation and remote operation - including server structures with virtual machines and cloud animation. Microsoft's guaranteed 10-year support with security updates for the Windows operating system ensures the ideal basis for non-stop, reliable operation. The option to simultaneously suppress feature updates ensures permanent system stability and guaranteed long-term compatibility.

The firmware supports the latest 10.2 RDP version as well as VNC 5.3. It supports dual-screen functionality with dual touch operation, thus keeping visual order even with an extremely large amount of measurements producing numerous process images for all processes, whilst keeping the operator station fully functional. The menu navigation is structured along the lines of the one-click principle, and together with the touch-friendly design of the user interface this makes for shorter navigation paths. The display adapts smoothly to any screen size and resolution.

Due to the firmware's innovative app concept, additional functions can be individually and securely integrated via applications such as Citrix Clients. The redundant, secure data communication includes Dual Ethernet support, automatic host switching and an immediate reconnect for RDP and VNC in case the connection is lost. USB- and keyboard filters protect the firmware against manipulation attempts. The UWF write filter inhibits unintentional writing and prevents registry and data system corruption by cyber attacks. 

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Kerstin Wolf

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