CPU & power modules

Bus connection and power supply for flexible use
The CPU modules for the IS1+ system support the most common communication protocols, such as PROFIBUS DP, PROFINET, Modbus TCP and EtherNet/IP. Copper cables or fiber optic are used for communication, and system redundancy can also be added.
The power module provides an intrinsically safe power supply and, like any other module, can be connected and disconnected in hazardous locations.

IS1+ CPU & power modules supply up to 16 I/O modules with intrinsically safe power and connect to all common automation systems.
RS485, or RS485-IS in Zone 1 and Class I, Div.1, is used for communicating via PROFIBUS DP and Modbus RTU. Fast, interference-free "Ex op is" 100 MBit/s fiber optic are used for the Industrial Ethernet connection via Modbus TCP, EtherNet/IP and PROFINET. System redundancy or integration into an optical ring to increase availability can also be supported, depending on the protocol.
A wide range of diagnostics is available either via a separate service bus or via the relevant process bus. These diagnostics can be easily integrated into plant asset management systems by an effective DTM.

  • Data transmission for PROFIBUS DP V0/V1 HART, Modbus RTU, Industrial Ethernet with Modbus TCP, EtherNet/IP, PROFINET
  • Wide range of diagnostics and HART transparency for integration into plant asset management systems via service bus and DTM
  • "Ex i" intrinsically safe or "Ex op is" inherently safe fieldbus interface for flexible use in hazardous locations

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12 Series (30 Products)

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