Ex d local control boxes

Ex d control boxes for customised control systems
These lightweight Ex d control boxes from R. STAHL are perfect for installing customised control systems and control boxes in hazardous areas without the need for a huge financial outlay. They are versatile and can be configured to meet your requirements.

These control boxes from R. STAHL are cost-effective single Ex d enclosures in which you can operate equipment that emits sparks in Zones 1, 2, 21 and 22. Depending on your requirements, you can choose flameproof cable glands and cable entries (Ex d) or threaded holes for conduit connection. Hinges can be retrofitted if required. The end result is lightweight, specially configured systems that can be used worldwide at a wide range of temperatures.

  • Lightweight single enclosures for cost-effective systems tailored to your needs
  • For installing equipment that emits sparks in Zones 1, 2, 21 and 22
  • Different variants for cable entry or conduit connection

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